Principles Of Diet For Gym

It can be said that gym is now a trend that is popular among young men and women. The goal of this form of exercise is to concentrate the muscle groups in conjunction with the diet for bodybuilders, gym weight loss, weight loss or muscle mass, to ensure that the body is toned more after a training process.
For those who are just beginning to exercise, the diet is very important, because it accounts for 70% of muscle formation. If you practice without eating properly, there will be no results and a perfect body shape as expected.
Save the experiences shared below to update your diet to lose weight, lose belly fat or increase muscle in the most appropriate way and still have enough nutrition for a healthy body.
Principles of diet for newbies of gym
With the following guidelines, you will have the necessary information to supplement your nutrition in the process of starting your gym. Whether it is a diet for male or female bodybuilders, the principles of the following nutrition should be applied correctly.

1. Eat enough protein (Protein)
Protein contained in amino acids helps build muscle. The recommended amount of protein for a day is 1.1gr / kg body weight for normal people. If the diet for newbies wants to increase muscle, they should absorb twice that amount.
For diets for beginners, it is necessary to have 3.3 grams of protein/kg of body weight per day, in the first 6 months. For protein supplements, choose protein-rich foods on your weight loss menu.

2. Increasing the amount of starch (Carb)
In case of gaining weight or increasing muscle efficiently, a new gymnasium weighing 81kg (for men) needs to absorb 360-450 grams of sugar powder every day.

3. Do not abstain from fat completely
Each person needs to maintain 5-10% of saturated fat every day to provide energy for the body. A high-fat diet will help maintain testosterone levels better than low-fat diets. Ideal testosterone will help increase muscle size for the diet for you to increase muscle and not accumulate excess fat.
Red meats such as neck meat, shoulder, or beef butt provide not only high levels of saturated fat, but also supplement the body with a rich source of protein. Besides, avocado, olive oil, peanut butter contain many monounsaturated fats such as salmon, almond oil, ...
As for vegetarian diet for gymnastics, it is recommended to add vegetables rich in fiber, such as sesame brown rice and salad as well.

 4. Eat enough vitamins
Next, for the diet for new gymnastics, bodybuilding for both men or women, it is still necessary to add essential vitamins, if you have eaten all of these 3 substances mentioned above but the amount of vitamin deficiency is not enough, it will not bring a good result.

5. Calculate daily calories
One person weighing 81kg needs 3500 calories per day.
100% of calories / day = 20-30% of protein, 40-60% of sugar powder, 20-30% of fat.

6. Eat regularly and moderately
Whether it is a diet for gym women or men who want to lose weight, lose belly fat, remember to provide a full range of nutritious foods.
Eat 6-8 meals a day for 500-600 calories for 1 person weighing 81kg.

7. Drink enough water for each day
 It is necessary to absorb at least 2 liters of water, but for bodybuilders, gyms, it is necessary to supplement 2.5-3 liters per day.

8. Eat before sleeping
About 30-45 minutes before going to bed, take about 30-40grams of Protein, 1 cup of low fat cheese and 2 tablespoons of cold seed oil and 56gram of nuts.
~ to be continue


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