How to increase Testosterone hormone naturally

As a male, especially the gym guys are more interested in this issue. That is the male hormone. Male hormones are produced primarily by the testes, ovaries, and small amounts produced by the adrenal glands. Male hormones play an important role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testicles and prostate. And secondary sexual characteristics such as hair, bone growth and muscle growth. Needless to say, you also know how important the male hormone is to muscle development . I. Muscle growth ability of male hormones: There is 1 study as follows: 10 men were received 600mg of testosterone weekly for 10 weeks. With 600mg, their testosterone level is 3 times higher than the highest level in nature. As a result, despite not training anything, these 10 men still gained an average of 7lbs (3.2kg) of muscle and their overall strength increased significantly. I offer this study to show you the importance of testosterone in increasing muscle, but not enc...